purulia district police
HomePolice Station Adra PS

Adra PS

Adra PS is located at 23.5°N and 86.67°E and 32 Km East from District HQ. Adra Police Station has a jurisdiction over an area of 172.92 Sq. K.M having population 8,64,82 out of which 45,323 male and 41,159 female with 13 GP . Adra PS is a subdivision and town in Purulia district and sharing border with Raghunathpur, Para, Kashipur PSs of this district. Main earning of the area is cultivation.
Inspector in Charge Adra PS Inspector in Charge Phone Number
Shri Subir Kumar Paul 9147888781
Police Station Phone Number
Police Station Email Addrees
1. Area : 211.36 Sq. KM
2. Population (as per census 2011) : 86482
i. Male & Female : Male – 48389 & Female – 38093
ii. Rural & Urban : Rural – 16910 & Urban – 21183
iii. S. C. & S.T : SC – 18476 & ST – 5868
iv. Sex Ratio : 1.3:1
v. Population Density per sq km : 923 (Approx)
3. Literacy : 65992
4. Religion (Hindu, Muslim, Sikh etc.) : Hindu – 76068, Muslim – 9349, Sikh – 1065.
5. Name of the National Highways : Nil
6. Name of the Railway Stations : Adra
7. Name of the Rivers passing through the PS : Nil
8. Area of Forest : 4.5 Sq. KM
i. Name of Forest area : Monpura
ii. Name of Hilly area : Nil
9. Area of Agriculture : 9312 Acrs
10. Name of the Tourist Spots : Saheb Bandh
11. Name of the Bordering PSs : Raghunathpur, Kashipur, Para
12. Name of the Panchayet : Kashipur Panchayet Samity, Raghunathpur Panchayet Samity
13. Total GP with name : GP – 02, Beko GP & Gagnabad GP & Some portion – 04.Arrah GP, Babugram GP, Chopahari GP.
14. Assembly Constituency : Kashipur, Raghunathpur
15. Parliamentary Constituency : Purulia, Bankura
16. Number & Name of Hospital with locality & Contact No : Total- 2, Kantaranguni PHC-7001808432, Adra Rly. Hospital- 03251 245-521
17. Number of School & Colleges : School- 74, College- Nil, Primary School – 60, High School – 14
18. Industry (Name of the Big Industry) : Nil
19. Name of the MLA/MP with their Party affiliation & Contact No. : MLA Kashipur- Shri Kamala Kanta Hansda , MLA Raghunathpur- Shri Vivekananda Bauri, MP Purulia- Shri Jyotirmay Singh Mahato  & MP Bankura- Dr. Subhas Sarkar.
20. Name of the Big Hotels & Lodges with contact No. : Samrat Lodge (Adra) (9832714337)
21. Name of the important Doctors with contact No. : Dr. M.K. Raha , Dr. K. K. Mitra
22. Name of the NGOs with contact No. : Adra Child Line(Arunoday Sisu Niketan) Sri Nabakumar-9434543344
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