purulia district police
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Best Practices & Innovations


8 WhatsApp Helpline 07.05.21


            This device mechanism WhatsApp has been introduced about 2/3 years ago and its necessity rapidly spreaded among the police personnel as well as among public of the society. We may come into this group easily and can have exchange our information, views, photographs and chats through this medium instantly and vividly. This medium help us to know the information of whole District as well as beyond the district.

            Moreover some sort of helplines are needed to open for general public for keeping touch with the police group constantly through this medium and share of information can be done with at any moment.


            We the police personnel make a group exclusively for us in District level and some where OCs and ICs make a group through this medium in their respective PSs. Almost all the police personnel especially officer rank are now habituated to use it for all the time. people who are using it can contact us and apprise grievances, information, may send photographs and can chats for all the time if he/she keeps contact number of the police personnel those who are in WhatsApp group.

            Purulia District Police has introduced two helplines through this medium newly for public with Phone numbers and categorized as (A) ‘General Helpline’ and (B) ‘Women Helpline’. For having contact exclusively with Superintendent of Police Purulia on his whatsApp group, General public and General women can share information, problems, events, photographs etc only through WhatsApp on these Phone numbers respectively- 7872230001(For General Helpline) and 7872230002 (For Women Helpline).

Impact Assessment

‘WhatsApp Group’ has been well introduced and acquainted with among the police personnel. Not only contact to the people but also exchange of information instantly apprise us the importance of the event to take appropriate action in this regard. Police public relationship has been increasing day by day and even inter departmental relationship has become sound and closer with one another. This medium help us to investigate in quick and vivid manner having sent the Photographs and information from the spot.

            Good responses have started to come in good numbers from General Public and as well as from General Women. Numerous grievances are coming from different corners of the society whatever it may be a tiny, silly and big problems. All those problems having measured the gravity being attended and solved by police arriving at the spot or counseling the contact person through this medium “WhatsApp”. Grievances against police as well taken seriously to protect the good image of us and to make ourselves faithful and loyal before the society.




            Few months back it was a practice to write case diaries manually. But for illegibility of case diaries due to bad hand writing the Ld court gets annoyance , Superior officers face problem while giving instruction on PR after having perused the hand writing Case Diaries of the IOs. The case diaries if written on computer would be distinct and legible and it would be deciphered easy to the court as well as to the superiors to understand and to give instruction on the computerized case diaries. Even computerized case diaries can be stored for future reference. Same pattern and same contents of the case diaries are not to be written down over and over as it is already saved on computer and here only copy -paste system will be in act. As a result burden of hand writing would be decreased astonishingly.        


              As per order of superior the system of computerization of case diaries has been introduced in this District from the very beginning. Although all the case diaries are not written on computer. Especially those cases treated as SR and important cases are written down on computer. The officers at police station level are not well acquainted with the computer. But in course of time investigating officers are learning computer and writing the case diaries with the help of computer. Computerization of case diaries help all agents in the judiciary system now a days.  

Impact Assessment

            These days almost all the investigating officers are using computer to write down case diaries and having been benefited through this medium all from investigating officers to supervisory officers are sticking to this matter due to have distinct and legible copies of case diaries and till now no objection is raised from judiciary sides. Computerized case diaries are easier to write and store.





            “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” goes an ancient Hebrew saying. Apart from health benefits clean workplace raises the morale of the workplace and also leaves a positive impact on the visitors. Most of the police station compounds were found to be in quite bad shape with no proper system of garbage disposal and maintenance of cleanliness. A need was felt to organize a cleanliness event to motivate the PS staff for cleanliness so that cleanliness can be promoted as a part of work culture.


            This event was kept with a view to keep the Police Stations neat and clean and to improve their general up-keep. This event was mandatory to every police station at once. But in course time cleanliness of every unit of police department was more or less going to be lost. This system of cleanliness event has been  started from the year 2015. Almost all the police unit of Purulia District would be neat and clean removing heap of garbage and scraps which were staged since years, cutting bushes and having hygienic Thana environment. This District kept an event in every month for ‘Beautification Programme’. Zonal Dy. S.Ps would to look into the matter having selected 2/3 PSs of their respective Zones per month as per order of SP Purulia. During Monthly meeting previous old conditioned photographs and after cleaning the new conditioned photographs of the selected Police Station were to be displayed on screen on slide model. Superintendent of Police of the District will select the best police station for Beautification for the very month and suitably be rewarded. This cleanliness to be continued and to be supervised by O/C himself throughout the year.


Impact Assessment

                       A clean Police Station can make a first good look impression in the minds of citizens. Overall it is the reflection of the habit of the police personnel and work culture of the organization. Visitors and public who come at the police station apprising appreciation looking around the neat and clean police unit. Police personnel also became satisfied having cleaned their unit and since then striving to keep up cleanliness of their unit throughout the year. The cleanliness event also have impacted to the family members who resides within the premises of the respective unit.





            ‘Stress Management System’ is obviously needed in every work place where work load, tension, monotonousness  and want of proper rest are prevailing maximum . This system is already introduced in some developed and developing countries including India and it has been compulsory to every employee/ worker/ players to attend class of  ‘Stress Management ‘. This system reduces the pressure, tension from mind and rejuvenate them having forgotten monotonousness of the work. This system somewhat fresh and well the mind and body having practiced’ yoga’ having advised from medical practitioner and attending Psychologist’s class.


              ‘Stress Management System’ has been running on in this District since years among police forces. Police forces are being trained in ‘Yoga’ time to time to keep health and mind well and fresh. Medical checkup is running on throughout the year to take necessary advice for keeping health fit. Different types of diseases  like sugar, obesity, pressure high/low, tension, depression etc are the common diseases of police personnel and to protect from all these Purulia District Police arrange  ‘Stress Management’ programme continuously. Sometimes expert lecturers come on call and delivered their speeches on this topic before police personnel which obviously benefited us.

Impact Assessment

            The system of stress management is now well acquainted with to all the police personnel. Maximum number of police personnel on regular basis follow the guidelines and advises of expert doctors, lecturers and trainer. Police personnel are trying hard to keep their health and mind fit also in the heavy schedule of duty. They are practicing Yoga in the work place or in the residence and following the advises of doctors to remove the diseases having maintained ‘Dos & Donts’. Now a days family members are also impressed with this system as they are being inspired by their respective police personnel.




            The villagers of remote villages do not get proper privileges due to improper communication, poverty, illiteracy and others. Those villages are like cut thread from urban areas and from modern societies. Purulia District Police started village intervention programme to make police public relationship with the villagers inhabited at the remote villages and to listen to their problems seriously. Village intervention programme has a view to mix up with the villagers of far off villages of the concerned PSs and to short out the problems and distressing condition of the villagers as far as possible after having listened to their grievances. 


            This programme has been starting up from this year’15 in our District. Every LWE affected police station within this District has their remote bordering villages and villagers of those areas have enormous problems which are not passed through to the proper places. Every officer in charge of the concerned police station visited and contacted to the far off villages to hear their problems and after having noted these problems the concerned unit in charge communicated to the concerned BDO locally to look into the problems. Besides this, inscribed problems be sent to the higher authority of police department to take farther steps to solute the demands. Thusly interaction in between police and distressed villagers of far off villages are made known to each other and the villagers get the opportunity to uphold their problems which are being faced regularly like problem of water, food , medicine, health centre, metaled road, school, electrification etc.

Impact Assessment

            Well response got from the villagers whenever and wherever police team reached to do this programme. During discussion some problems sorted out within a few days out of many problems uphold by the villagers. Exchange of phone numbers and information help to come closure to each other. Villagers learnt to thought that at least some body is thinking about them and their problems whereas since years villagers of remote villages thought themselves as weaker and denigrated section of society. Their timidity eradicated from their mind after soft and candid interaction in between police and villagers.





            Forces get the opportunity to meet the superiors to apprise their grievances through a process and it takes some time. But instant ‘ Grievance Redresser Darbar for forces’ has been running on since the year’13. There is an ample scope to know his/her problems to superiors and immediate remedy may be gained.


         Purulia District police has introduced ‘ Grievance Redresser Darbar for forces’ since years. Generally it is done after completion of muster parade, in the welfare meeting and in crime conference. Forces places their grievances/problems to the superiors to get rid of as immediate as possible. Their grievances noted down and considered sympathetically as far as possible through short process. 

Impact Assessment

          Cordial and open hearted interaction in between forces and superiors inspire and revive the mind morale of forces and be happy to place his problems and get remedies having solved genuine and acute problems quickly but through short and quick process.

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